Monday, July 23, 2007

Traveling Back in Time

I was doing my daily addiction (reading Schlock Mercenary Comic) when I saw Howard Tayler made a blog reference to Weregeek Comic.

So being the geek-wannabe that I am, I went to go check it out. The first "strip" of it that I saw caught my attention.

"OOooo must know more.. what is this Weregeek?"

So I went to the begining of Weregeek's strips and began reading. I read, and read, and read. Ooo this is fun!

It was a total travel back in time. The "new geek friends" he makes.. Totally the crowd I hung out with in college (cept my crowd was all guys, I'd probably be more geekified if there was another girl there).

I have never laughed so hard.. ok.. I exaggerate.. I haven't laughed that hard in a LONG time as I did while reading that comic.

Definitely something worth reading.. Even if you're just a pseudo-geek. :)


Ed said...

Sweet! I been needing a new webcomic to add to my repetoire.

(I used French. I are so proud.)

purple_kangaroo said...

I liked the strip about LOTR