Thursday, June 07, 2007

Prey - Video Games Crossing the Line?

I'm really not the one to be pointing fingers on video games as I play them so rarely that my input is really of no value.

I also don't play violent video games. Ok, I have on occasion been convinced to try a violent video game, and I did play one willingly for a little while though I cannot remember the name any longer. It wasn't very "graphic" or gory, and consisted of you being on the side of good and fighting demons or something.

Other than that I tend to play games that are computerized board games or such things similar to RISK, Monopoly, etc.. Like I loved the first Warcraft, Age of Empires, XBOX 360's Catan. That's about as "violent" as I get with video games. Otherwise I'm playing puzzle games, mancala, backgammon, etc.

But for those of you, really into violent video games.. Here's a review of Prey.

It's definitely a review you should read before buying.

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